Abnormal condition in digestive system :
The function of the digestive system is to take the food and liquids that we put into our mouths and then either turn them into nutrients and energy needed by the cells of our body, turning what the body doesn't absorb into waste products to be expelled by our body as bowel movements.


a acute inflammation of the appendix usually resulting from an obstruction and infection

Appendicitis symptoms

nausea vomiting mild fever elevated white blood count

Appendicitis treatment

an appendectomy ( surgical removal of the appendix)


inflammation of the gallbladder

colecystitis symptoms

nausea and vomiting pain that starts under the rib cage and radiates to the right shoulder

cholecystitis treatment

a low-fat diet and lithotripsy


chronic destruction of liver cells accompanied by the formation of fibrous connective and scar tissue

cirrhosis symptoms

liver enlargement and edema in the legs and feet and nosebleeds and ascites

cirrhosis causes

bile duct disease and chemical toxins and malnutrition asscociated with alcoholism

cirrhosis treatment

directed toward preventing futher damage to the liver. vitamin supplements and infection prevention and rest and diuretics


when fecal material remains in the colon to long

constipation causes

poor bowel habits and chronic laxative use leading to a "lazy" bowel and a diet low in fiber

Constipation treatment

corrected by a high fiber diet and adequate fluids and exercise


frequent watery stool

diarrhea causes

infection and stress and diet and an irrated colon and toxic substances

diarrhea treatment

eliminating the cause and providing adequate fluid intake and modifying the diet


inflammation of the diverticula punches that form in the intestine as the mucosal lining pushes through the surrounding muscle

diverticulitis symptoms

irregular bowel movements and gas and constipation or diarrhea and abdominal distention and low grade fever and nausea and vomiting

diverticulitis treatment

antibiotics and surgery to remove the affected section of colon and stool softening meds and pain meds


inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the stomach and intestinal tract

gastroenteritis causes

food poisoning and infection and toxins

gastroenteritis symptoms

abdominal cramping and nausea and vomiting and fever and diarrhea

gastroeneteritis treatment

rest and increased fluid intake

hermorrhoids causes

straining to defecate and constipation and pressure during pregnancy and insufficient fluid intake and laxative abuse and prolonged sitting or standing


painful dilated or varicose veins of the rectum and or anus

hermorrhoid symptoms

pain and itching and bleeding

hermorrhoid treatment

high fiber diet and increased fluid intake and stool softeners and sitz bath


viral inflammation of the liver

hepatitis symptoms

fever and anorexia and nausea and vomiting and fatigue and dark urine and some cases surgery

hepatitis treatments

rest and high protein and calorie diets and low fat diets and sometimes liver transplants


is a rupture that occurs when an internal organ pushes througj a weakened area in the body wall

hernia symptoms

heart burna and stomach distention and chest pain and difficulty swallowing

hernia treatment

bland diets and small frequent meals and staying upright after eating and surgical repair


inflammation of the pancreas

pancreatitis symptoms

severe abdominal pain tha radiates to the back and nausea and vomiting and diaphoresis and jaundice

pancreatitis treatment

chholecystectomy ( removal of the gallbladder) and analgescs for pain


inflammation of the abdominal peritoneal cavity

peritonitis symptoms

abdominal pain and distention; fever and nausea and vomiting

pertonitis treatments

antibiotics and surgical repair of the damaged intestine


open sore on the lining of the digestive tract

ucler symptoms

burning pain adn bloody vomit and dark tarry stools

ulcer treatment

antacids and a bland diet and decreased stress and avoidance of irritants

ulcerative colitis

severe inflammation of the colon accompanied formation of ulcers and abscesses

ulcerative colitis symptoms

diarrhea containing blood and weight loss and weakness and abdominal pain and anemia and anorexia

ulceraive colitis treatment

controlling inflammation and reducing stress iwth mild sedation and proper nutrition and avoiding substances that aggravate the conditions